Auto & Personal Injury

Dr. Muldavin is a recognized industry specialist in the treatment of personal injuries and auto accidents. Dr. Muldavin has earned his certificate as an Active Trauma Team Member by the Academy of Chiropractic, which is a National Medical Research Organization consisting of National Strategists, Trial Lawyer Associations, and Carrier Representatives.
To achieve the Active Trauma Team Member Certificate, extensive post-graduate education (70 hours) courses were completed as follows:
MRI Spine Interpretation
PI Boot camp
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering
Spinal Trauma Pathology
Accident Reconstruction
Impairment Rating
Head Trauma – Brain Injury
Medical Legal Documentation-Colossus Algorithms
Orthopedic Testing
Stroke Anatomy and Evaluation for Chiropractors and Manual Medicine Specialists
Furthermore, on August 29th, 2024, Dr. Muldavin earned the MRI Interpretation Review Qualification which is a total of eight classes and 134 hours of postgraduate education. This qualification does not allow recipients to perform primary MRI interpretation, but considering there is a 43.6% reported error rate in general radiologists accurately reporting the morphology of the spine, it is incumbent on the individual practitioner to be competent in verifying the conclusion of the radiologist. This skill set is a requirement when collaborating with medical practitioners in the medical legal arena. Furthermore, when Dr. Muldavin interprets a missed disc herniation by the radiologist, he can get the radiologist to amend the report describing the accurate morphology and greatly increasing the potential settlement by the attorney.
As a result, Dr. Muldavin is uniquely qualified and credentialed to manage and treat your personal injury case utilizing his team of medical specialists for both triage and consultation. His post-doctoral training and certifications are dually credentialed by both chiropractic and medical academia and have been accepted nationwide by courts allowing Dr. Muldavin to qualify as an expert witness. Click here to view Dr. Muldavin’s CV.
Dr. Muldavin has successfully treated and managed hundreds of personal injury and auto accident cases. His state-of-the-art facility includes a digital X-ray system allowing high quality radiographs in real time with less exposure for the patient. Click here to read more about this state of the art x-ray machine. Our facility includes massage therapy, electromuscle stimulation (EMS), super pulse laser, ultrasound, and motorized traction to help reduce muscle inflammation, reduce pain and accelerate healing.
He also has a mini-gym and rehab facility which includes exercise and rehab equipment. Dr. Muldavin is a specialist in rehabilitation and utilizes neuromuscular reeducation and active exercises that are vital for recovery for auto accidents and personal injuries.
If you have any questions pertaining to a personal injury/auto accident that has happened to yourself, a family member, a friend and/or co-worker, please feel free to contact our office. You can contact us directly by phone 916-455-5404 or by email at