U.S. Chiropractic Directory
Muldavin Chiropractic is dedicated to being the “best of the best” through clinical excellence. This is why we are members of the Academy of Chiropractic, a National Medical Legal Organization, dedicated to the education of its members and the public to share the benefits of what chiropractic has to offer.
The U.S. Chiropractic Directory (USCD) was established in 2012, by the Director of the Academy of Chiropractic, to allow doctors, lawyers and the public to research chiropractic conditions and search for credentialed clinically excellent chiropractic physicians. The USCD is an amazing resource which has had more than 18.5 million research hits since its inception. The USCD will only post information about chiropractic that has been proven in a research setting. Browse chiropractic research.
Here you will see a plethora of research articles, including a Chiropractic Information Category list to narrow your topic. Just above this, there is a search option for more specific inquiries. Furthermore, click on “Find a Chiropractor” to find out about the credentials of chiropractic physicians and view their curriculum vitae (CV). Dr. Muldavin has a preferred listing on the USCD. Click here to view Dr. Muldavin’s CV.